A partnership between Verifone, Ruth's Chris Steakhouse, and National Bankcard Systems of Austin, Texas provides a credit card fraud prevention solution while increasing the speed and convenience of payment acceptance for restaurants.
This system offers restaurant customers table-side payment for increased credit card security, and maximum transaction processing efficiency.
National Bankcard Systems is the first in Texas to offer this unique pay-at-the-table processing system from Verifone, which stands to revolutionize the way restaurants accept credit card payments. This system involves a wireless Verifone credit card terminal, and allows wait staff to bring a payment device to their customer to collect payment. The whole payment process now takes place on the table in front of the customer. When a customer's credit card never leaves their sight, the avenue for fraud virtually disappears. Restaurant payment acceptance in turn becomes more efficient, and customers have the assurance that their card information is safe, because their card never leaves their sight.
In a recent study, it was found that over 60% of all credit card data loss involved restaurants and according to the FTC, there were about 250,000 cases of identity theft in the US in 2006. With the use of pay-at-the-table credit card processing, the potential for credit card fraud in restaurants can be virtually eliminated. Ruth's Chris Steakhouse is the first restaurant in Texas to use this new payment processing system provided by National Bankcard Systems. "This system is poised to become the cornerstone of restaurant credit card processing in the United States. Restaurants get a more efficient method to process credit cards, and consumers know that their information was safe for the entire transaction. It's a win-win situation for everyone." says Pete Estep, president of National Bankcard Systems. So far the feedback from Ruth's Chris has been very positive, and it won't be long before many restaurants in the Austin area equip themselves with similar processing systems. Because this pay-at-the-table system answers needs for restaurant owners, and patrons, it stands to become a new standard for restaurant credit card processing.
A pay-at-the-table system operates on well established, secure, wireless technology that is used by millions of computers around the world. The terminal being used is the wireless Verifone VX 670. The processing speed is nearly instantaneous, removing the all-too-common congestion around a credit card terminal. Several terminals can be used through a single system and advanced reporting is available for consolidation and reconciliation. Pay-at-the-table is available for most businesses in the US, and the functionality can easily be extended to other retail or service oriented businesses. Merchant account options are available for a variety of specific business types and needs, and this system can be tailored to just about any situation.
For information on getting setup with a pay-at-the-table system, call them directly at 800 898 3436.