That means that we are very competent at what we do. What we do is design. We create and manage brands, we create advertising campaigns and websites. In fact, anything visual; anything to do with marketing and promotion. That's what we do. Got it?
But yet we sit in front of computers all day long. According to some people, that means we know everything there is to know about computers.
This is a bit like expecting the lady who drives the school bus to change your transmission.
The lady who drives the school bus is probably an excellent driver. She knows exactly how to operate her machine. Like us. We know exactly how to make our computers do what we want them to do. We are experts in the programs we use.
And that does not include Microsoft Word, Excel and all those other office-type programs. We're not secretaries. I can build you the best website, but I type with two fingers only. I don't need to be a superb typist. I need to know how to do my job.
So why do people call expecting me to know how to fix their email or their printer?
Let's take email as an example. If you have a website which is hosted by TSDG, that means that you are able, included in the annual fee, to run several email addresses from that domain name. If your site is, you can have [email protected], [email protected] and so on.
In order for this to happen, we 'tell' the server that you have these email addresses. When someone writes to [email protected], that email goes to our server. End, as they say, of story.
If your computer isn't configured properly to receive those emails, there's nothing I can do about it. The makers of a TV show transmit it over the airwaves. If your television isn't receiving it, it isn't the fault of the program-makers.
When you SEND an email, your message goes to the server of your internet service provider and they send the email on. So if you use Bell South, your email goes to the Bell South server which then passes it on to the recipient. Ditto Comcast or whoever else it is you use.
I have lived in a house all my life but I don't know how to build one. I wear clothes every day but I wouldn't know where to start with dressmaking. I drive a car every day but I couldn't change the engine. So why am I expected to solve your problems with Outlook Express?
Why not do what I would do if I had a computer problem? Call a teckie.