You'll be asked to sign off at various stages during your website development - and we cannot proceed without your signoffs, so this is important. Here we go....
1. The first signoff for your website will be for the navigation of your website. You'll appreciate that the designer cannot design your site until he or she knows what's going into it. A plain-text version of your website structure will be created with all the links and sections - but no text as yet - and once you are happy that all those links and sections are correct, please sign off. Then we can proceed to the next stage.
2. Once we have this signoff, we add this plain text version - the blueprint of your site - to our build software. At this stage, we add your content. (A word about this fantastic build software. Using your unique user name and password, you can edit or add text to your blueprint - although we are happy to do it for you if you prefer. Many clients love this as it means they can adjust their copy as much as they like - very useful when you have a content management team who don't always agree!)
So, you will end up with all your copy on your website. Spend some time going through it. Remember, this is the blueprint that all our staff will use when we build your site, so it needs to be 100% correct. Everything perfect? Then sign off please!
3. Now, the designer can study your blueprint and see exactly what is needed for your site. You'll appreciate that the design for a 5 page site has very different design ramifications to a one hundred page site with lots of subsections and links. (Rather like the difference between an architect designing a one bedroom cottage compared to a twenty bedroom mansion; or a chef planning a simple appetizer compared to a ten course banquet). The designs will be presented to you and again, once you are happy, please sign off.
NOW, and only now, will your website be built. You have approved the navigation, approved the copy and approved the design so the TSDG team can swing into action!