They might be terrific movers, but I doubt it. Could I trust them with my valuables? I don't think so. I'm trying to imagine what their excuse could possibly be. They have evidently been in business for twenty five years and they may have had that logo for all that time. Did no-one notice?
The only excuse I can imagine them coming up with is "well, we are fantastic movers. Movers don't have to be grammatically correct". Oh yes they do.
Obviously, the logo has other problems but that erroneous apostrophe would deter some people from employing them. I truly don't believe that I'm the only one.
Even if people don't look at the logo and think, as I did "what on earth is that apostrophe doing there?" a number of them will be affected subliminally.
Now you're going to tell me that logos don't have to work subliminally? Don't even try. Look at the Fedex arrow.
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