On Monday and Tuesday, the battle was with a client who insisted on having typos and inconsistencies in their brochure copy because it had come from head office.
Hmm ... well ... OK ... so that makes it sacrosanct then? "If it came from head office, it must be right". Well, it wasn't. It was wrong. And the brochure is going to look silly.
But who am I to argue with "head office"? Actually, I certainly WOULD argue with them given half a chance but there comes a time when you've argued enough, the printer's deadline looms and you fear for your blood pressure.
So now, today, I'm working on another brochure for another client.
And one of the first things I encounter in their copy is:
Must have excellent communication skills (Read, Write & Speak English fluent)
This, needless to say, has now been correctly to:
Must have excellent communication skills. (Read, write and speak English fluently).
I wonder if that came from THEIR head office?