I'm sure that if I looked up his history on Wikipedia, I'd find out even more than I already vaguely know about his rise to fame and riches.
So what does that have to do with the topic du jour - flash websites?
Well, I have been trying to explain to clients for a long time that flash is old technology - that flash still doesn't work on an iPhone or on the new iPad. It seems crazy to me to incorporate flash into your website these days but I still hear "Oooh, I'd like to have some nice moving pictures on my website."
Now I've ranted before about how clients ALWAYS know better than me when it comes to their websites. I built my first website (pretty badly, admittedly) in 1996 and have built hundreds since then. Most of my clients have been to Google once or twice, can find Amazon if they're lucky and are therefore experts.
So be it.
So I was pleased to see the news that Virgin America will not be using flash on its new website. It will be using what we call "good old fashioned html". The reason given is exactly what I've said above. Virgin are aware that more and more people want to check into their flights with their cellphones and want to make sure it's accessible to all.
If it's good enough for Virgin....
So what does that have to do with the topic du jour - flash websites?
Well, I have been trying to explain to clients for a long time that flash is old technology - that flash still doesn't work on an iPhone or on the new iPad. It seems crazy to me to incorporate flash into your website these days but I still hear "Oooh, I'd like to have some nice moving pictures on my website."
Now I've ranted before about how clients ALWAYS know better than me when it comes to their websites. I built my first website (pretty badly, admittedly) in 1996 and have built hundreds since then. Most of my clients have been to Google once or twice, can find Amazon if they're lucky and are therefore experts.
So be it.
So I was pleased to see the news that Virgin America will not be using flash on its new website. It will be using what we call "good old fashioned html". The reason given is exactly what I've said above. Virgin are aware that more and more people want to check into their flights with their cellphones and want to make sure it's accessible to all.
If it's good enough for Virgin....